Companion Dog Show
The Companion Dog Show is the formal name by which charity dog shows licenced by the Kennel Club are know by. They are fun, informal events that all dogs can take part in, and all dog lovers can enjoy. There are a selection of classes to choose from (detailed below) including novelty classes, and classes for children.
All entry fees at this show will be donated to the excellent local charity Hospice at Home, Carlisle and North Lakeland. (
Entries taken on the field from 11am. Judging will commence at 12.30pm.
(CC & Res. CC & JW winners are only able to enter the FUN classes but NOT the Pedigree Classes)
Entry Fee: Pedigree - £1 per class. Novelty - 50p per class
Rosettes: 1st to 3rd in all classes. B.I.S., Res B.I.S., B.P.
Class 1 AV Puppy (6-9months) Dog or Bitch
Class 2 AV Puppy 9-12months) Dog or Bitch
Class 3 AV Sporting Dog or Bitch
Class 4 AV Non-Sporting Dog or Bitch
Class 5 AV Open Dog or Bitch
Class 6 Best Cross Bred Open
Class 7 Best Veteran (7yrs & over)
Class 8 Dog with the Waggiest Tail
Class 9 Dog most like its Owner
Class 10 Best Child Handler - Under 10 years
Class 11 Best Child Handler - 10-14 years
Class 12 Dog in Best Condition
Class 13 Judges Choice to take Home
Enquiries: Anne Dawson - Companion Dog Show Section - 017683 62364